Thursday, October 14, 2010

Adventures With Henry

Henry spits up a lot.

Henry creates a lot of extra laundry.

See Henry help with the laundry.

Apartment life is so fun!


  1. and he sleeps through it all? Love it!

  2. Love his new "comfy lounge" style ala puffy laundry basket...what a boy! Oh, and of course...what a MOM!

  3. Michael was wondering why he sleeps in a bucket and if he's going to sleep in the bucket until he gets a real bed. I explained that his parents actually don't know any better and that sometimes they put him on the stoop or next to the hawk's nest to be babysat.

    I explained to him who Henry is, that he's "uncle Hank's little boy and your new cousin". He sat thinking deeply for a bit and then said, "I want to ask him if he likes to wrestle. I'll only punch him softly since he's still a baby."...a lot of love from this boy already.
